Answer to the question
Question: A young lady agreed to go on a date with a young man she contacted online. But rather than
romance on her mind she planned to rob him with the assistance of two male colleagues. This ended
tragically when her date was fatally shot. Note there was never any intent involved as far as the fatally
was concerned. What sentence did she receive?
#changefloridalaw #florida #prisonreform #floridaprisonreform
Answer: She received life without the possibility of parole as did her two male colleagues. This is
unjustified when you consider all of the mitigating circumstances and the comparisons made with other
murders in Florida. This death is at the lower end of the scale.
A change of law is required in Florida in how sentencing is applied to deaths and the definition of murder.
In this instance this young lady’s part in this crime fits the definition of involuntary manslaughter rather than
murder. Fill out the petition below to change this unjust law. There is also a petition for this young lady
concerned which I have included below.
Please share this page Every where this is for Jennifer Abolish the Felony Murder Rule in America!!
At there is a petition to go to Joe Biden to abolish the felony murder rule in America. 10,000 signatures needed to succeed, they are almost there with over 9,900. Lets help them reach the 10k target.
Go to and sign the petition
#florida #rondesantis #usprisonreform
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